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Cyber Centre of Excellence
for Local Public Services

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iese Cyber Centre of Excellence - iese your transformation partner

I am a Councillor.

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I am a Sole Trader.

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I am a Parish/Town Council.

Coming soon.

I am a Small Business.

Coming soon.

Awareness, Training and Education

Most people have a limited knowledge of IT let alone cyber security.  The knowledge is evolving, needs to cover the critical content and needs to be easily consumed by the audience.  Courses, face to face and online, have been created for key audiences: for your cabinets and senior management on what they need to know to lead the organisation to professionals from IT to procurement.  The National Cyber Security centre (NCSC) has reviewed and approved the courses as having the appropriate content.

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Assurance, People & Processes, Systems

Good professional practice takes a multi-layer approach to defence.  But are all of your layers adding value or giving you the illusion of safety?  Are there important gaps in your defences that can be easily fixed?  A range of tests from outside and within the organisation test all aspects of your cyber security and check that you are fully prepared for what is to come.  Bespoke designed military grade attacks test your systems, processes and people and quickly identify gaps in your defences.

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council cyber protect<br />

Detection, Mobile Devices and Endpoints & Servers

Access to the appropriate layers of protection that add real value.  Continuously updated and procured to remain the best in the field and ahead of the cyber criminals.  The best mix of products to detect, protect and respond.  Solutions used by the military and intelligence services, installed, and maintained by the team that ran UK operational military cyber offence and defence. We also offer solutions for physical security of premises, general facilities and sensitive spaces.

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Centre Cyber of Excellence from iESE Public Sector Transformation

Response & Recovery, Negotiation and Insurance

When it comes to a cyber-attack you will be as prepared as it is possible to be.  But you may still need support, our capability includes unique patented tools that neutralise and enable the removal of ransomware.  Our team includes experienced and trained negotiators – negotiation allows you the time to maximise the speed and quality of your recovery.  Combined the tools, the service and the support give you a meaningful reduction in premiums for cyber insurance.

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